In her
welcome note to delegates Lies Wesseling,
conference convenor, draws the attention to the main focus of the event:
‘children’s literature within the dynamic ‘ecology’ of its adjacent media’ and states
that its aim is to ‘illuminate not only the form and content of the artefacts under
study, but also the behaviours of their producers and consumers, roles that are
being radically redefined’.
And indeed,
many studies referred to Jenkins’ seminal concept of a participatory
culture, where producers’ and consumers’ roles are increasingly blurred and
where the production and consumption of literature in its many forms influence
each other. However, it was interesting to see in the debates that there is an
increasing awareness of producers and consumers being lured and at the same
time dominated by the affordances of the new media. Many delegates described
how we at times lose sight of a main concern, which ‘isn’t what the media are doing to our children
but rather what our children are doing with the media’ (Jenkins).
That is why
many stimulating analyses of children’s book apps or e-books highlighted a contradiction:
the majority of such digital forms of storytelling lags behind the experience a
young reader might have when reading a
‘traditional’ (picture)book, as was proven convincingly by Kristin
Ørjasæter in the case of the Norwegian Stian Hole’s Gramann picturebook trilogy.
Ørjasæter reported the fascinating story how the author/graphic
designer/illustrator Hole actually gave up on the project of remediating his own
picturebook series into apps, because he realized that these limit rather than
enhance his reader’s understanding of his stories. Ørjasæter demonstrated how
technology, as it is largely used to date, often pre-determines where the
reader might ‘venture’. The conference underlined many “wreaders’” calls for
apps of the 3.0 generation, which avoid exactly that and open up the reading
experience by creating reading
paths based on the concept of the semantic
web. The semantic web here
understood as providing ‘a more productive and intuitive user experience’.
In close connection with such pleas were the concerns expressed by delegates
that much of what children nowadays access as ‘new digital forms of
storytelling’ are commercially produced and marketed outputs of globalized
mass-media corporations that offer bland
and uniform rather than stimulating and individualised reading
trends in the field of children’s literature within ‘the dynamic ‘ecology’ of its adjacent media’, the conference offered more
questions than answers. In my view it could only draw attention to the next big
task of children’s literature research, which is to investigate how we tell
stories and make meaning in the 21st century and which effect this
has on the readers and producers of these stories. It was interesting to see that
research today has not yet developed a terminology that captures what we can
observe happening in cyberspace. To me this emphasizes that research is at a
crossroads. Annette
Wannamaker’s paper on born digital narratives (something more inventive and
progressive than fan fiction) was a perfect example of cutting edge research
that investigates e-literature for children created with multi-media platforms.
Her presentation of the inanimate alice project as one of
the few genuinely born digital participatory narratives for children was a plea
for careful critical attention to such new forms. Wannamaker’s study pointed
out the current paradigm shift that is leaving a number of scholars and
educators behind due to the fact that such texts ‘little resemble the texts we
are used to studying – they are
experimental, avant-garde, creative, postmodern […] works’.
suggests that we have to look beyond the affordances of fast-changing media and
search for common threads, recurring themes, and returning patterns but also develop
an understanding of radical forms of expression in what constitutes the stories
of our time, told with the media of our time. A large part of this new task of research
is awareness-raising – also for the power of adaptation. As Jean Webb confirms,
the focus on (emergent) literacies and the close links between children’s
literature research, cultural and media studies as well as education has to be
strengthened in order to stay in tune with what is happening with the objects
of their research.
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